I'am very proud of my new garden book The art of pruning that i have ben working with for almost two years. Together with the writer Eva Robild and gardener Georg Grundsten we have manage to make a great book that finally now is out. Publisher www.bonnierfakta.se
Back in buiseness
Glad to start the working season with this great team. Gardener Georg Grundsten and the writer Eva Robild.
Together we do a garden book that will be published in spring 2021.
Last days
Soon holiday but before that i will shoot the most wonderful roses for the book that will be published this fall om Bonnier Facts www.bonnierfakta.se
Working place
One of all the beautiful gardens i work in at this time of the year.
Cover image
Many people have problems with pollen allergies at this time af the year. Katarina Holmström, whom i photographed for the magazine Allergia, has suffered a lot but has finally received good help from new medicines. www.allergia.se
Cloesed border
This year me and my family stay at home for Easter. Its the first time in our lives we can’t go to Denmark even though it is only 20 minuts by boat from my home town in Sweden.
In action
Nice day att work in the beautiful Skäralid in southern Sweden for trade magazine Sekotidningen. www.sekotidningen.se
Photo: Minna Pyykölä
One year ago
I have such strong memories from my trip to Vardö in northern Norway a year ago. See more under the tab “Almost the north pole”
A good start
My 2020 started wonderful on family vacation at Kamala beach in Thailand. Great to get away from the cold and darkness in Sweden for a while.
Celebrating my birthday last week with a brunch att Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm together with my dear friend Janna and family. The book store had a few ex left of my book about her.
Work in process
The garden life is soon over for this year but winter is a good time to take care of the tools. Old tools from the past will be included in my new garden book.
Visited my publisher
Nice to visit Bonnier publishing in Stockholm last week and get to know the hole team who are working with the new gardening book. It’s great to be a part of it! www.bonnierforlagen.se
My loving brother
My brother Hans died this summer after a long time with cancer. He was the oldest of us four siblings. I miss him immensely.
The photo is taken by our father in the early sixties.
Photofestival in France
I am very happy and proud to be selected for the photofestival “Nuits Photograpghiques de Pierrevert" 2019” in France.
I am so exited to go there in the end of july.
The witch museum
I am so affected by my visit to the whitch museum in Vardö, northern Norway recently . Here at the beach 91 people wears burned to death between 1600 and 1692. Almost all were Women. Arkitekt Peter Zumthor, design Louise Bourgeoise. An amazing place.
New book in progress
I am pleased to have started a new collaboration with the publisher Bonniers Fakta for a new garden book. Soon we start with the spring photography.
Selected by LensCulture
One of my entered photos has been selected to be featured in the Visual Storytelling Awards 2019 Competition Gallery. I am very proud!
Suddenly it happens!
I am very proud to have been awarded one-year working stipend by The Swedish Authors’ Found 2018.
Salong CFF 2018
In December i participate in the member exhibition Salong 2018 in Stockholm.
Pictures and photobooks for sale
CFF, Tjärhovsgatan 44.
Until December 16th
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Den 20 november - en dag tillägnad minnet av alla transpersoner som mördats under året till följd av det pågående hotet och våldet som många transpersoner lever under på grund av av transfobiskt hat. Här en tidig bild från mitt projekt om Janna och hennes väg till en könskorrigering från man till kvinna. Janna och mamma Ulrika 2009.